Montessori House

Why Montessori?

The Child

Dr. Maria Montessori believed that children are born with incredible learning potential and an intrinsic desire to explore, discover, and learn about their world.

The Child

Through observations of children she developed an ingenious and holistic educational method, based on the human tendencies and designed to help each child reach his or her full potential in all areas of life. Тhe development is not linear and is anthropologically based. It goes through four planes of development: Infancy (0-6 years), Childhood (6-12), Adolescence (12-18), and Maturity (18-24). The Four Planes of Development Theory is based on direct observation of the child which proved that successful completion of one plane leads to fulfillment of the next one. Through the work with the hands the child develops his intelligence.

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The Environment

The environment is prepared in a way to promote independence, development of the will, and to allow for concentration.

The Environment

It meets the developmental needs of the child including human tendencies, unconscious powers, sensitive periods, process of adaptation, and development of the will. It also should protect freedoms and promote independence. The mixed-ages is a very important characteristic of the Montessori environment. The environment is not competitive; children collaborate and help one another which is a very important life skill.

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The Guide


The dynamic link between the children and the environment is the prepared adult called “guide”

The Guide

Usually there is one trained adult and one assistant in a room. If there are more adults, the children will be less independent. The adult serves as a model, plans and maintains record keeping, phases - in, observes and presents, establishes guidelines, protects freedom and rights of children. The prepared adult through observations guides the child in his/her development, provides discipline to lead to self-discipline, has awareness and knowledge of the child’s unconscious powers, tendencies, and sensitive periods.

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Language ‘Not only does it fuse men into groups and nations, but it is the central point of difference between the human species and all others. Language lies at the root of that transformation of the environment that we call civilization’(M.Montessori).

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Coordinated Movement

‘Every living being has its own characteristic movements, and its own pre-established goals, and in creation there is a harmonious balance between these different activities which are co-ordinated to achieve some purpose.’(М.Моntessori)

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‘Any child who is self-sufficient, who can tie his shoes, dress or undress himself, reflects in his joy and sense of achievement the image of human dignity, which is derived from a sense of independence.’(M.Montessori)

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Every victory and every advance in human progress comes from an inner compulsion’(M.Montessori)

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Complex Problem Solving

Through the materials children are working with, they acquire skills needed in real life situations.

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Social Skills

Social skills are the child's ability to cooperate and play with others, pay attention to adults, and make reasonable transitions from activity to activity.

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Discovery and Creativity

The Sensorial area supports the discovery and creativity as well as all the art exercises included in the Exercises of Practical Life.

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"The first essential for the child's development is concentration. It lays the whole basis for his character and social behavior. He must find out how to concentrate, and for this he needs things to concentrate upon."

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